We are a multitasking Film Agency based in Chandigarh.
The Entrepreneur of this Chandigarh based Company gave birth to it in 2015.
I am a young Director, Film Maker, and a storyteller trying to focus on becoming a role model for all the women out there.
“Award winning works in Production and Customization”
We harness creativity, technology, and cultureTo give a boost to the creative brands that are the source of driving value for our customers and touch lives all around the world. I being the woman enterprenuer have received lots of praises for my work and especially the challenges I had to face in this competitive era to make it all a success. I am a young Director, Film Maker, and a storyteller trying to focus on becoming a role model for all the women out there.
Here are my Photography and Film making skills.
About Agency
Bottlein has worked at International level with the clients based in Australia, USA, and Canada. But now we aim to provide our outstanding services in Indian Market.

However, my goal is to make the world class brands by providing branded digital services and experiences through engaging content.

You can explore our Award winning work to see how we have been focused on connecting and uniting people across this Multicultural and Diverse world.

We are always ready to accept the big challenges on every project that we receive whether Cinematography, Videography, and Photography
A lot of young players don’t really know much about the history of the game and a lot of them are missing out on what the game is all about, especially the whole concept of sportsmanship and teamwork.